Feb 6, 2009 20:17:37 GMT -5
Post by john14and9 on Feb 6, 2009 20:17:37 GMT -5
Hello everyone!
I realize this may be a touchy subject to some but I figured if a "hell thread"could survive here so could a thread about another subject that goes where not many want to go..and that is tithing!
Since some here go to a building or church..I am curious of how many here still practice this form of giving to their local assembly?
This is one subject God dealt with me on shortly after I received the revelation of Matthew 24 and the end of the age!The Temple was destroyed and with that Temple not only went the Old Covenant system but the store house as well..
When I was a futurist I was taught tithing was a heaven or hell issue and that it was taught prior to the law so therefore we had to tithe in order to be saved..I do not want to knock anyone for tithing but I would like to state that I no longer see it as a severe issue as I have been taught in my early years
I do believe in supporting the ministry and giving money and also my time to help a local church but I personally do not believe it is a mandatory requirement to maintain my salvation as taught by many today.I do not believe the Apostles taught tithing but they did teach giving and doing it with a cheerful heart and give what you can and not out of necessity. What is your take?
Feb 6, 2009 21:05:18 GMT -5
Post by Allyn on Feb 6, 2009 21:05:18 GMT -5
I do believe in supporting the ministry and giving money and also my time to help a local church but I personally do not believe it is a mandatory requirement to maintain my salvation as taught by many today.I do not believe the Apostles taught tithing but they did teach giving and doing it with a cheerful heart and give what you can and not out of necessity. This is where I am at. I give and try to do so beyond the tithe portion and it is in various forms that I give.
Post by Once4all on Feb 7, 2009 8:16:02 GMT -5
We give to our church and to other ministries and causes, but we don't "tithe" nor feel obligated biblically to do so.
One book that I read about tithing, which goes into an indepth scripture study of tithing, is Should the Church Teach Tithing? A Theologian's Conclusions about a Taboo Doctrine by Russell Earl Kelly.
I like how our church collects "tithes and offerings" (they still teach it, but have never taught it as a salvation issue). They don't pass an offering plate or anything. There's just a wooden donation box on a table in the foyer of the church where you can put your offering "whenever".
Feb 8, 2009 14:06:31 GMT -5
Post by Sower on Feb 8, 2009 14:06:31 GMT -5
Hi John14and9,
Paul's gave orders the NT saints oncerning the collection for the saints (1 Corinthians 16:1,2). He elaborated, further by saying he which soweth sparingly would reap sparingly, and not to give grudgingly, for God loveth a cheerful giver (2 Corinthians 9:1-15).
Thus, tithing is not a requisite in the NT, and have absolutely no relevance to salvation.
That said, my husband and I freely determined 25 years ago to give tithe and love offerings for the kingdoms sake!
Lady Sower~
Feb 8, 2009 21:45:07 GMT -5
Post by mellontes on Feb 8, 2009 21:45:07 GMT -5
The "collection" of the saints as taught in the NT was a one time special offering for the poor saints in Jerusalem. At one time Paul was given aid by just one or two churches during his ministry. If tithing was mandatory (and it is not) Paul would have been sure that each church was informed - he was not the least bit afraid to preach the truth. God loveth a cheerful giver. Givers aren't mandated else it aint giving... Certainily there is a spiritual principle in he that soweth sparingly ... and the one in Luke 6:38 (which was a special one of mine). Faith promise missions from a church I used to attend got their "forced" pledges by taking 2 Cor 9 totally out of context. From the funds received by this extra special offering, beyond and above the tithe, the amount and number of missionary support was determined. They had a whole "Missions Conference" just before "The" offering was taken in the form of pledges. At the end of the conference the amount of each pledge was listed. No names were given on the pledges. My Pastor's salary was roughly twice that of the average male in the church. To this were added car allowances plus any gratuities he would recieve while preaching at other churches. He was always gone one Sunday every month, and upon a few occasions more often. I would say that his income easily exceeds $100,000 per annum. I have never heard of the teaching that tithing was necessary for salvation. One can easily see why that was preached! It takes a lot of money these days to run the evangelical machinery. After all, crystal chandeliers and posh offices (especially for the pastor) takes lots of money. The church I attended could raise lots of money, but hardly any of it was ever invested into the church folk - like our widows and poor people. It was a masterpiece of hypocrisy, but I'm not bitter at all...